Local civic leaders, residents, and families with aging parents are invited to enjoy a delicious dinner and learn more about The Terrace Nursing and Rehabilitation, Waukegan’s best option for affordable short-term rehabilitative care, long-term skilled nursing care, and dementia care.
While aging is no picnic, planning for a future that offers peace of mind, for both older adults and their families, is certainly a comforting invitation!
Tour the community, learn about our services, including our NEW Dementia Care services, enjoy family-friendly activities and entertainment, and picnic with our people!

Friday, June 16, 11:30-3:00 PM
Hamburgers, hotdogs, beverages, pasta salad, snow cones, snacks and popcorn.
RESERVE YOUR place and mini-tour with LaSaudra Donatelli at 847-244-6700, x 4001 or admissions.coordinator@terracecare.com
NEW! Dementia Care programming at The Terrace is based on a psychosocial model of care and features:
- Success-focused, therapeutic activities geared for each resident’s cognitive level, interests, and ability
- Team members who are specifically trained to work with people who have cognitive impairment
- Enhanced programming for residents including NEW life skill and reminiscence stations
- Early, mid, and later-stage dementia care